Sunday, 14 April 2013

Textual Analysis - The Croods

This shall be a quick brief on this movie:

Character Design: The characters are simple characters that you would thing of from stone age era, simple lines and some animal poses. The clothing is animal fur, nothing else, but does look clean at the start of the film. The father does seem a little bit to young. Just looking at some of the face poses that are on google images, they do remind me of Sherk quite a lot in they way it is posed.

Voice casting: The voices are all quite good, just as the father seemed he needed to be a little bit older, more rough and tough. 

Performance: The performance for all the characters where good, suiting the characters well to their body type. most of the characters are cautious with the except of  Eep (teenage girl) and 1 or 2 more characters are more physical driven. I do like gran and the conflict that Grug (father) as with here.

Lighting: The lighting goes good with the environment as a good amount is the sky. The night time scenes are well light and done, being able to see the characters, with the comedy or drama they place in there.

Sound/ Music: The music mixed well with the animation, it does not distract from the film its self.

Dialogue: The characters are speaking as they usually would, except in the start where it steps up the story which is telling you what is about to happen, I personally did not like this, but as the film started I forgot about what was just said. The dialogue between Gran and Grug is good, it brings that comedy relief in sections just for a laugh. It works as their actions go with this dialogue.

Story: The story is straight forward, no parallel stories or anything. Stuff that happened at the start of the film did come back in near the end, which you can forget but I don't see the need to remember it. It just works it way into a nice little laugh for the audience.

Production Design: The sets and props that were used at the start worked well with the theme of the story, but as the story went on, the sets seemed to get the fantasy feel to them, than went back to the stone age again. Not staying the fantasy part is a bad thing, it worked well with what was being shown in the story. The characters clothing was the same all the way though, which worked as well. 

The characters worked well in the shots, the main characters stood out from the rest in the scenes, with some coming into the spot light in other just to break it up. As the locations play a good part of the mood of the character, with the character usually centered in the frame, or just left or right a bit.

overall, this was an interesting film and in my eyes, not a usual DreamWorks film in my eyes.

These are some of Grug's faces that remind me of Shrek.

- Joshua

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