Monday, 27 May 2013

New post- update on the script and other stuff.

Hey hey hey.... The last post of mine was probably 6/7 weeks ago, that was a long time again. Just Uni assignments became more interesting. So, The Rykin story is on complete.. YAY!!! The beast no longer follows Rykin out of the cave, instead he just rams Rykin in the back and the egg falls out of his hands and rolls out of the cave and down the forest with Rykin close behind. The beast just goes to the edge of his cave and returns back to his life.

I am pretty sure there is a version of the script on here in one of the posts, and have drawn up some quick ideas, really rough just to get an idea of the locations. They look pretty kool for the amount of time spent on them. Hopefully shall have them up here is due time, when I get some time to upload them.

Just on a good note. I love Doctor Who. So, the last few episodes that have been on, not sure on what series it is anymore as they do the split series and 6 eps at the start/ mid year and another 6/7 eps somewhere else in the year. If you have not seen Dr Who, find a friend that has it and watch it!! (it has been awesome that last couple of eps). They have brought back some old enemies, not going to name them but the Cyberman, they got an upgrade and look kool.

Dr who does the next time thing, which if you have not read my previous post on "NEXT TIME", i absolutely hate it, it gives way to much info about it. and movie trailers... they do the same.. So What i do know is not watch them. Back to the Dr Who, When the episode was just finished and starts the "Next time" I was no long in a 5 meter radius of the TV. I was gone....  Each week I had no idea what the next ep was going to be about, and in my conclusion........(Drum roll)  It was AWESOME!!!   Yes, not knowing what was going to happen or what monsters/ creatures/ villains just made it 10 times better to watch. And I shall continue to do this for each new ep of Dr Who.

In the end, I shall get some more stories up. Slowly concepting a new idea that I shall add up here, might just place random ideas, might/ might not make seance, but oh well.

Joshua - Out.