Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Just to start of with a simple start of an idea.

The time era would be present day, based on a family to start of with. The start will be inside the families car just coming back from a holiday and traveling on a road that has a few fuel stations along it. just as the car passes the first station, it will blow and go up in smoke. Just after that happens, it starts a chain reaction and one by one, each and every fuel station blows. The camera shall zoom out and show the planet as the fuel stations blow one by one.

The shot will go to news papers being thrown on a table with important information. This will get across the information about the following few lines.

Shortly after this, racing slowly became extinct as there was no fuel to race with, car companies went bankrupt and garbage tips where full of cars. Transport will be turned into railed transport to get from place to place.

More of the this idea shall be added up soon.
Hey everyone, All posts that I shall be placing up shall be an idea of a character, film idea whether it be a the first idea I have of a start of a story or a more detailed story. Even some sketches shall end up here as well.

Cheers, Joshua